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Third Sunday After Epiphany
January 26, 2025 - 9:00 a.m.
God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the promises of God are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Gather round. Listen up. Glimpse the glory of God.
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Ezra reads the law of Moses before the people
Psalm 19
The teaching of the Lord revives the soul. (Psalm 19:7)
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
You are the body of Christ
Luke 4:14-21
Jesus reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah
Prelude: Improvisation on “Christ, Be Our Light”
Gathering Song: Arise, Your Light Has Come! (Festal Song)
Kyrie/Canticle of Praise: Service of the Word
Gospel Acclamation: Service of the Word
Hymn of the Day: Christ, Be Our Light (Christ, Be Our Light)
Offertory Song: Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful (Haugen)
Canticle of Thanksgiving: Praise to You, O God of Mercy (Haugen)
Sending Song: Hail to the Lord’s Anointed (Freut euch, ihr Lieben)
Postlude: Allegro from “Suite Gothique” - Léon Boëllmann
Living “Words with Friends”
Playgrounds still resound with “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But those words ring hollow. As adults, and as children, we know only too well the power of words to do harm. In contrast, the scriptures for today point us to the word that bears hope, promise, and life. Human words can hurt or fail, but now we hear this holy word of wisdom, challenge, instruction, and hope that really does form us in God’s promise. Rather than words that tear down, we are invited by the prophets and Jesus into God’s living words with and among friends. Jesus, in coming home and attending the synagogue, reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus announces good news to those struggling economically on the fringes of society, hope to those who are imprisoned, healing to those without sight, a lifting of the burden from those who are weighed down or oppressed, and even the in-breaking of a holy year of favor. Standing in a tradition of prophets and priests who speak, engage, and teach God’s word, Jesus now offers one thing more—fulfillment. The words of those who dream and hope, who work for justice and mercy on behalf of God, are now true. Today as we look around and see people spending time speaking, reading, and even playing games with words, this is an opportunity to ground ourselves in the one full Word that bears life. This word counters sticks and stones and all that oppresses; Jesus address announces God’s liberating actions. This Word sounds promise to all who hear; it is an invitation to see God at work among God’s people.